
1. Overview of Detection: Streaming

The "Detection: Streaming" feature allows users to stream video from their inspection device and automatically detect defects using AI. This real-time analysis identifies issues as they appear in the video feed, helping operators quickly address potential defects without manual inspection.

2. Setting Up Detection: Streaming

  1. Launch the Spector App: Begin by launching the Spector app and ensuring that your device is properly connected and calibrated.

  2. Select the Detection: Streaming Tool: Navigate to the tools section in the Spector interface and select the "Detection: Streaming" option. This will enable the video streaming and initiate the AI-based defect detection process.

3. Streaming and Detecting Defects

  1. Start Video Streaming: Once the feature is activated, the device will begin streaming video of the inspection area. The video feed will be displayed in the Spector interface.

  2. AI-Powered Detection: As the video streams, the AI will analyze the footage in real-time, automatically identifying any defects. Detected defects will be highlighted or marked on the video feed, allowing the operator to see them instantly.

4. Interpreting Detection Results

  1. Real-Time Alerts: The system will provide real-time alerts when defects are detected, including visual markers on the video feed and possibly auditory or text notifications, depending on the settings.

  2. Confidence Levels: The AI may also display confidence levels for each detected defect, indicating the likelihood that the detected anomaly is a true defect. This helps operators prioritize further inspection.

5. Reviewing and Saving Detection Data

  1. Reviewing Detected Defects: After the streaming session, operators can review the detected defects directly within the Spector app. This includes revisiting specific points in the video where defects were identified.

  2. Saving and Exporting Data: The video stream, along with the detected defect data, can be saved and exported for further analysis, documentation, or reporting purposes.

Last updated