Origin manipulation

This section of the manual explains how to use the Origin feature in Spector, which allows users to adjust the starting point of the relative coordinate system for all positioning tasks. The Origin consists of two components: the starting handler, also known as the "root," and the ending handler, referred to as the "tip." These two components are connected and can be manipulated to ensure accurate positioning.

Manipulating the Origin in Spector

1. Overview of the Origin Feature

The Origin feature in Spector provides users with the ability to adjust the starting point of the coordinate system used for positioning objects in Mixed Reality. By manipulating the root and tip, users can fine-tune the alignment and positioning of elements relative to this origin.

2. Understanding the Components

  1. Root (Starting Handler): The root is the main control point for the Origin. It is depicted as a geometric shape (as shown in the image) and serves as the primary reference point for positioning tasks.

  2. Tip (Ending Handler): The tip is connected to the root and defines the direction and extent of the coordinate system. Together, the root and tip allow for precise control over the positioning of objects.

3. Manipulating the Origin

  1. Drag and Drop Method:

    • Move the Root: Users can simply click and drag the root to a new position. This changes the starting point of the coordinate system.

    • Move the Tip: Similarly, the tip can be clicked and dragged to adjust the direction and length of the coordinate system from the root.

  2. Precise Positioning Mode:

    • Activate Precise Mode: Each handler (root and tip) has a button that activates a more precise positioning mode.

    • Positioning with Index Finger: In precise positioning mode, the user can hold their index finger still in a desired location for 2 seconds. The handler (root or tip) will automatically reposition itself to that location, allowing for fine adjustments.

4. Practical Applications

  • Aligning Objects: Adjusting the Origin can help in aligning objects more accurately in the MR environment.

  • Fine-Tuning Positioning: The precise positioning mode is particularly useful when small adjustments are needed to achieve perfect alignment.

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