📡Disposition API: Get image layup

  • Endpoint: STORAGE_API/files/process/layup

  • Method: GET

  • Query Parameters:

    • zstart (Number): The starting point on the Z-axis for the layup image.

    • zend (Number): The ending point on the Z-axis for the layup image.

    • xstart (Number): The starting point on the X-axis for the layup image.

    • xend (Number): The ending point on the X-axis for the layup image.

  • Response:

    • Success Response Code: 200 OK

    • Content: An image file representing the layup configuration within the specified coordinates.

  • Error Response:

    • Error Response Code: 4XX (e.g., 404 Not Found if the image does not exist)

    • Content: { "error": "Error message describing the issue" }

  • Notes:

    • The API endpoint serves as a method to access images representing specific sections of a composite material layout, which are essential for quality control and repair tasks.

    • This endpoint is particularly useful for visualizing the structure of materials in manufacturing processes that involve composite materials.

Last updated