🥽Defect codes relations

  1. Overview:

    • This interface allows users to categorize defects more accurately using predefined group and defect codes.

  2. Group Codes:

    • 0 - Other: For defects that do not fit into the predefined categories.

    • L - Laminate: For defects related to laminate materials.

    • B - Bonding: For issues with bonding applications.

    • G - Gel Coat: For defects found in the gel coat finishes.

    • D - Dimensional: For defects involving incorrect dimensions.

    • C - Components: For defects in various components.

  3. Defect Codes:

    • Each group code has associated defect codes which further describe the defect. For example:

      • L group codes include LDL, LAV, LWR, LCM, LGM, LRB, LFO, LCCL, LWIP, indicating specific laminate-related issues.

      • B group codes might include codes like BLE, BLW, denoting specific bonding issues.

      • G group code has associated code GMM, indicating a specific gel coat issue.

  4. Using the Feature:

    • To categorize a defect, first select the appropriate group code from the "Group code" dropdown.

    • Once a group code is selected, the "Defect code" dropdown will populate with the relevant defect codes.

    • Choose the defect code that most accurately describes the issue at hand.

  5. Best Practices:

    • Ensure the correct group code is selected to avoid miscommunication and incorrect defect tracking.

    • If unsure about which defect code to use, refer to the detailed descriptions provided in the system's help section or consult with a supervisor.

  6. Note:

    • It's important to select the most accurate defect code as it aids in the analysis and resolution of production issues.

    • The codes are designed to provide a systematic approach to defect tracking and should be used consistently across the team.

By using group and defect codes, the team can ensure a standardized method of reporting and analyzing defects, which contributes to quality control and efficient defect resolution.

Last updated