🥽Disposition: selected plies table

  1. Feature Description:

    • The Plies Selection feature enables users to retrieve information about specific plies (layers of composite material) required for repair tasks within the defect tracking system.

  2. Selection Process:

    • Users can select specific plies for repair by interacting with the Layup section of the interface, where different plies are listed with their respective quantities.

  3. API Interaction:

    • Upon selection, the system generates a GET request to the API with the endpoint structured as: GET API_BASE/dispositions/selected?zstart={Z_START}&zend={Z_END}&xstart={X_START}&xend={X_END}&selected={N_SELECTED}

    • This request retrieves data based on the selected plies within the defined 3D space coordinates.

  4. API Response:

    • The API returns a JSON object that contains an array of the selected plies, each with a name and quantity.

    • An example response includes an object like:

  "plies": [
      "name": "Combi 1250 GPV",
      "quantity": 5
  1. Using the Feature:

    • In the user interface, the total number of plies affected is displayed, and the specific plies selected for repair are highlighted with their quantities indicated.

  2. Best Practices:

    • When selecting plies for repair, ensure the correct quantities are chosen to accurately reflect the repair needs.

    • Always verify the selected plies correspond to the appropriate repair method, as indicated in the interface.

  3. Note:

    • The ply selection is an integral part of the repair planning process and should be performed with attention to detail to ensure effective and efficient repairs.

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