🥽Disposition: select number of plies

  1. Feature Description:

    • The table scrolling feature enables users to navigate through a large set of data within a table by scrolling vertically.

  2. Table Layout:

    • The table is organized in a grid format with numbered cells ranging from 1 to 50, divided into rows and columns.

  3. Using the Scroll Feature:

    • To view data that is not immediately visible on the screen, users can scroll through the table.

    • The scrollbar is intuitive and located to the right of the table, designed to facilitate easy movement through the data entries.

  4. Interaction with Other Interface Elements:

    • The scrolling feature is independent but essential for accessing all the piles listed in the "Layup" section, especially when the list extends beyond the viewable area.

  5. Efficient Data Management:

    • Scrolling is a critical functionality that ensures users can manage and review extensive data without the need for pagination or navigation away from the current view.

  6. Accessibility:

    • The scroll functionality has been designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that users can quickly move through data with minimal interaction.

  7. Best Practices:

    • For the best user experience, it is recommended to use the scrolling feature to review all available data before making selections or changes to ensure informed decisions.

  8. Note:

    • When using the table scroll, the rest of the interface remains static, allowing users to keep track of other pertinent information such as the "Defect ID," "Defect status," and "Glass repair method" without interruption.

By incorporating the table scroll feature, users are afforded a seamless and efficient way to navigate through significant amounts of data, ensuring a streamlined process in defect identification and management.

Last updated