🥽Nodes rotation


The Interactive Node-Based Rotation System (INBRS) is designed to allow a user to manipulate a set of nodes arranged in a rectangular configuration around a central pivot point. This system facilitates the rotation of the entire set as a cohesive unit with reference to a designated central node marked in red.


  1. Nodes: Four circular markers that define the corners of a rectangle. Each node is interconnected, suggesting a rigid structure.

  2. Central Node (Red Dot): Acts as the pivot point for rotation.

  3. User Interaction Node (Blue Marker with Arrow): Designated node that the user can drag to initiate rotation.

  4. Rotation Indication (Curved Arrow): Graphical representation of the potential rotation around the central node.

Functional Requirements

  1. Initialization: The system must position the nodes in a rectangular layout with a visually distinct central node.

  2. Interaction: Users can click and drag the designated interaction node to rotate the rectangle around the central node.

  3. Rotation Mechanics:

    • The rectangle should rotate as a solid structure.

    • Rotation should be smooth and follow the cursor's arc path around the central node.

    • The angle of rotation should be unrestricted, allowing for full 360-degree rotation.

  4. Visual Feedback:

    • The rotation should be visually represented in real-time.

    • The central node remains static to indicate its role as the pivot.

    • The interaction node should have a directional arrow to indicate the direction of the applied force.

  5. Constraints:

    • Nodes must maintain their relative distances, preserving the rectangular shape during rotation.

    • The system should prevent any deformation of the rectangle.

User Interface

  • The system should be minimalist with a clean and intuitive interface.

  • Nodes should be large enough to be easily clickable and draggable.

Last updated