🥽Disposition: display layup image

  1. Feature Overview:

    • The Layup Image Retrieval feature enables users to request and view an image representing the layup of materials or components from a storage API. Layup refers to the configuration of materials in a composite structure.

  2. API Interaction:

    • To retrieve the layup image, the system sends a GET request to the storage API's files/process endpoint. The request includes parameters to specify the coordinates of the layup area.

  3. Query Parameters:

    • zstart (required): The starting point along the Z-axis.

    • zend (required): The ending point along the Z-axis.

    • xstart (required): The starting point along the X-axis.

    • xend (required): The ending point along the X-axis.

  4. Using the Feature:

    • Users input the desired coordinates into the system, which then constructs the API call dynamically based on those inputs.

    • Upon a successful API call, the layup image is retrieved and displayed within the user interface, providing a visual representation of the selected area.

  5. Best Practices:

    • Confirm that the inputted coordinates correspond to the area of interest within the composite structure for accurate retrieval.

    • Use the visual representation to assist in identifying and analyzing the layup configuration for maintenance or repair.

  6. Note:

    • The retrieval of the layup image is crucial for tasks that require a clear understanding of the material layout, such as defect identification or repair planning.

Last updated