📡Detection API: Defect dimensions

Endpoint Overview

This API endpoint is designed to receive and process coordinate data for a set of nodes and a handler object. The endpoint is structured to accept a JSON payload with specific parameters for the nodes and the handler, which includes their location and rotation.

HTTP Request

POST https://ai.spector.cloud/dimensions


Content-Type: application/json

JSON Payload Structure

  • nodes: An array of objects, each containing the coordinates of a node.

    • x: The X-coordinate of the node.

    • y: The Y-coordinate of the node.

    • z: The Z-coordinate of the node.

  • handler: An object that defines the handler's location and rotation.

    • location: An object containing the handler's position in 3D space.

      • x: The X-coordinate of the handler's location.

      • y: The Y-coordinate of the handler's location.

      • z: The Z-coordinate of the handler's location.

    • rotation: An object containing the handler's orientation in 3D space.

      • x: The X-component of the handler's rotation quaternion.

      • y: The Y-component of the handler's rotation quaternion.

      • z: The Z-component of the handler's rotation quaternion.

      • w: The W-component of the handler's rotation quaternion.

Sample JSON Payload

  "nodes": [
      "x": 0.23777419328689575,
      "y": -1.180322289466858,
      "z": 0.5
      "x": -1.1,
      "y": 2,
      "z": 3
      "x": -1.3,
      "y": 2,
      "z": 2
      "x": 1.2,
      "y": 2,
      "z": 1
  "handler": {
    "location": {
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "z": 0
    "rotation": {
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0,
      "z": 0,
      "w": 0

Using the Endpoint

  • To use this endpoint, clients must send a POST request with a JSON payload structured according to the above specifications.

  • The nodes array can contain multiple node objects, each with their own x, y, and z values.

  • The handler object must specify both the location and rotation of the handler in 3D space, with rotation represented as a quaternion for three-dimensional orientation.

Response Structure

Upon a successful POST request, the API will return a JSON object containing the following key-value pairs representing various dimensions of the blade:

  • LEFT: An integer value representing the dimension on the left side of the blade.

  • RIGHT: An integer value representing the dimension on the right side of the blade.

  • ROOT: An integer value representing the dimension at the root of the blade.

  • TIP: An integer value representing the dimension at the tip of the blade.

  • WIDTH: An integer value representing the overall width of the defect.

  • LENGTH: An integer value representing the length of the defect.

Sample Response JSON

jsonCopy code{
  "LEFT": 637,
  "LENGTH": 2503,
  "RIGHT": 939,
  "ROOT": 490,
  "TIP": 72502,
  "WIDTH": 2981

Understanding the Response

The numeric values in the response are dimensions related to the blade model. They are likely in a specific unit of measurement, such as millimeters or inches, and they are essential for understanding the scale and size of different aspects of the blade:

  • The LEFT and RIGHT values may correspond to horizontal dimensions from a central axis of symmetry.

  • The LENGTH could be the measurement from the tip to the root of the blade.

  • ROOT and TIP might refer to measurements at specific points of the blade's root and tip, respectively.

  • WIDTH likely refers to the broadest point of the blade.

Last updated