🥽Handler (Scene Origin) Rotation


This documentation provides instructions for using the Handler (Scene Origin) Rotation Tool, which enables users to interact with a handler in a virtual space. The tool allows the manipulation of the handler along specified axes and the visualization of its orientation relative to those axes.


  1. Rotatable Handler (Scene Origin)

    • The central feature of this tool is the Handler (Scene Origin) that can be freely rotated. Users can click and drag the handler to rotate it in the virtual space.

  2. Axes Display

    • X and Z Axes: The tool displays the X (red) and Z (green) axes by default, helping users understand the handler's orientation.

    • Make Ray Along Z Axes: Users can generate a ray along the Z-axis to visualize its trajectory and alignment.

  3. Rotation with Ray from Z Axes

    • This feature allows users to rotate the handler specifically around the Z-axis using the ray as a reference. This can be achieved by selecting the rotation mode and dragging the ray itself.

Getting Started

  1. Launch the Tool: Open the Handler (Scene Origin) Rotation Tool application on your device.

  2. Interact with the Handler: Click on the handler and drag it in any direction to see it rotate. The rotation is unrestricted and follows the movement of your cursor or touch.

  3. Axes Visibility: To toggle the visibility of the X and Z axes, locate the 'Show X and Z axes' option in the settings menu. Ensure it is checked to view the axes.

  4. Create Ray Along Z Axis: Select the 'Make ray along Z axes' option to draw a ray extending from the center of the handler along the Z-axis. This can help in visualizing rotations around this axis.

  5. Rotate Around Z Axis: Choose the 'Rotate with ray from Z axes' mode to constrain rotation to the Z-axis. Click and drag the ray to rotate the handler accordingly.

Tips and Tricks

  • Smooth Rotation: For a smoother rotation experience, ensure your device is responsive and the application window is maximized to give ample space for movement.

  • Precision Rotation: For more precise control over the rotation, use the rotation tool slowly and steadily, making minor adjustments.

  • Reset Orientation: If you need to return the handler to its original orientation, look for a reset option within the application.

Last updated