📡Disposition API: get selected plies

  • Endpoint: /dispositions/selected

  • Method: GET

  • Query Parameters:

    • zstart (required): The starting point on the Z-axis.

    • zend (required): The ending point on the Z-axis.

    • xstart (required): The starting point on the X-axis.

    • xend (required): The ending point on the X-axis.

    • selected (required): The identifier for the selected plies.

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200 OK

    • Content: A JSON object with an array of plies, each containing a name and quantity.

      jsonCopy code{
        "plies": [
            "name": "String",
            "quantity": "Number"
  • Error Response:

    • Code: 4XX/5XX (depending on the error type)

    • Content: { error: "error message" }

  • Notes:

    • The API endpoint is designed for retrieving a list of selected plies based on the coordinates within a 3D space and a selection identifier.

    • This functionality is crucial for identifying the specific plies that need attention during the repair process.

Last updated