🥽Disposition: all plies table

  1. Feature Overview:

    • The Disposition feature allows users to obtain details about specific areas within a 3D space related to defects. This is done by making an API call that retrieves data based on marker nodes defined by X and Z coordinates.

  2. Defining Coordinates:

    • Users can specify the area of interest by setting start and end points along the X and Z axes, referred to as X_START, X_END, Z_START, and Z_END.

  3. Making an API Call:

    • With the coordinates defined, the system makes a GET request to the API endpoint, structured as GET API_BASE/dispositions?zstart={Z_START}&zend={Z_END}&xstart={X_START}&xend={X_END}.

  4. Understanding the Response:

    • The API responds with a JSON object containing details of the area, including its name, description, repair method, and types of repairs required. An example of a response includes fields like areaName, areaDesc, repairMethod, repairType, and a list of plies.

  5. Interactive Interface:

    • The user interface interacts with the API seamlessly, displaying the relevant data such as Glass repair method and the list of plies in a clear and concise manner.

  6. Best Practices:

    • Users should ensure that the coordinates entered are within the valid range and pertain to the area of interest to retrieve accurate information.

    • Familiarize oneself with the 3D space layout to input correct coordinates corresponding to the desired location for repair.

  7. Notes:

    • The interface's response display is designed to be user-friendly, providing essential information at a glance.

    • Users are encouraged to consult the API documentation for more details on response structure and potential error handling.

Getting dimensions

  "color": {"fa": Number, "r": Number, "g": Number, "b": Number},
  "defectDimensions": {
    "LEFT": Number,
    "LENGTH": Number,
    "RIGHT": Number,
    "ROOT": Number,
    "TIP": Number,
    "WIDTH": Number
  "location": {"x": Number, "y": Number, "z": Number},
  "markerIndex": "String",
  ... // Additional properties as needed

The xstart and xend are calculated based on the LEFT and WIDTH properties, while zstart and zend are based on the ROOT and LENGTH, respectively.

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